In an attempt to discover the methodology, the long guarded secret reasoning, the science behind how all of these beautiful women in the Phoenix Metropolitan area determine which man to share all of themselves with I conducted an interview with my own beautiful one and recorded her answers to a series of questions that I as the interviewer determined would provide the most insight in the shortest time available. In the following paragraphs I will share the questions and answers as well as the conclusion I extrapolated from the aforementioned answers.
Question: Stacie Autrey, what do you look for in a man and why?
Answer: sexual attraction and how he interacts with others
Question: Is this sexual attraction you are looking for a function based on your most basic animal desires for a strong and perfect male specimen to be utilized for reproductive purposes or is it simply a quest for carnal pleasure?
Answer: I am looking for a connection that leads to great sex, kids are out of the question, you know that John
Question: Does having these purely sexual relationships create inner conflict with your natural maternal “nesting” instinct?
Answer: No
Question: You have not yet found that relationship where you have been willing to “settle for life” how do you know when it is time to move on from your current man?
Answer: When the intimacy is gone, when we start treating each other like roommates I’m out.
Question: When you go “on the hunt” for a new man how do you attract them?
Answer: With my eyes, the looks I give them
Question: Do you think that beautiful cleavage you have on display right now might have something to do with attracting potential mates?
Answer: Of course sweetie, that’s how I got your attention!
As the interviewer and originator of this particular unscientific study I was able to make the following conclusions about how women attract their mates and how they pick the winners. Yes I can judge an entire regions inhabitants just by interviewing a single sample, and I am the one writing this article so you know what that means right, My opinion rules.
I conclude from the above statements that all women (ok I digress, not all women, maybe just the women I attract or find attractive) are seeking purely sexual relationships with the “hottest” man they can find. These women will go to extreme lengths to get what they want including but not limited to; spending hours on hair, makeup and nails and the great monetary expenses that come with these beauty modifications, exposing or accentuating the parts of their bodies that they think men might find most attractive, including but not limited to their breasts and buttocks, and finally using sexy and seductive stares and eyelash batting to lure the men in.
Final Conclusion: If a woman wants a man for sexual pleasure, we men don’t stand a chance of resisting.
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