Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peer Review 2-22-11

Alyssa Brown
I appreciated your twist and creativity on Prompt #14. I always personally find it exciting when someone takes an assignment and does it with their own interpretation instead of just literally following instructions. The descriptions of the aspects of dance and of the pain and discipline involved behind the scenes were informative and insightful
I did notice several grammatical errors in this piece and feel that it could use some revision from a purely proofreading standpoint. Some of these include:  paragraph 1 the use of apart should be a part
Paragraph 2  hip flexors hurts, too many plurals in this description, “ we than move into stretching” should be “we then”
Paragraph 2  “being an objective” does not make sense to me, and the final sentence of that paragraph is confusing, possibly replace the word is with in

Jesus Corona
Great job last week. I thoroughly enjoyed your use of humor and particularly enjoyed laughing at your pain from the bike wreck. I am concerned with your reference in both postings of ears either falling or being melted off. Just kidding man, I’m sure this is not the appropriate venue to discuss classmates mental stabilityJ  I particularly enjoyed your use of footnotes in prompt 14. It was an added bonus of info, description and humor that I might like to utilize in writing sometime.  The title of prompt 14 is a little confusing to me. Either I just missed something or possibly a more descriptive or informative title might be used to help intro the writing.

Lindsay Fraser
Great job last week. I particularly enjoyed the Marinara writing. You used very detailed descriptions that I seem to lack in my writing. These descriptions work very well, involving the reader in the story, giving it depth and detail, and also made me very hungry. The use of the marinara sauce and its different aspects or ingredients in the various geographical locations worked well to distinguish between the regions and was a great way to introduce the areas and make the story flow.
The only part I found troubling or thought could possibly use revision is this sentence “When we traveled to Nice, located near the Mediterranean Sea, in the south of France, the pasta included fresh pieces of fish amongst the pureed marinara sauce; however, instead of the traditional spaghetti noodles, the sauce was placed atop circular noodles which somewhat resembled “Spaghetti O’s.”  It seemed a little choppy or broken. It only stood out because the rest of the story transitioned so seamlessly, so even if it is grammatically correct it just didn’t seem to fit well.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prompt #15 Witness

I spend a lot of time these days observing other peoples actions and reactions. I watch others fight, kiss, shop, eat, walk, bike, drive, text, work and socialize. They all seem so confident, so sure of themselves. I see people standing still, just standing still doing nothing. How do they do that? How do you stand and patiently wait without smoking a cigarette, pacing, checking phone messages. My whole life Ive been like that kid at his first school dance. Where do I put my hands, on her shoulders, on her hips, on her ass, in my pockets. Why do I feel so out of place when other just seem to get life so easily. I constantly compare the feelings I have inside to the appearances others show on their outsides and there is just no match. I over think every single decision, every single movement. If I make a right turn on red here will I catch the left arrow on Broadway. What time does the train come through, is it faster to drive all the way down to Priest on the 202 or come down Rural and wait through all the crosswalks and red lights on University. White bread or wheat, wheat is healthier right but white tastes better and if its not %100 whole grain then the wheat is really only white bread colored brown. Right?

I'm watching my server at Oregano's at lunchtime. She walks right up to a guy she obviously knows, smacks him on the ass and playfully starts boxing. In the middle of the restaurant, while on the clock. Is anyone offended, does anyone else notice, not really. I'm offended, not by her actions but by her seemingly  unselfconciousness. She doesn't care if anyone notices shes not doing her job and shes playing on the clock. How does anyone, all of yall achieve that level of comfort. I would have gone into this long fantasy about how I cant do that at work because someone might need a refill and they saw me not getting it for them so I don't get a good tip which means I cant pay the rent which means I'm gonna be homeless so I'm gonna start shooting heroin into my jugular vein to block out the misery of my life and die a horrible lonely death cause I smacked someone on the ass while I was supposed to be working. Jeez!

I go tho the ASU art museum for research on an art paper. I watch the two women who work there completely ignore me for at least 3 minutes while they have this totally personal conversation, so at ease throwing personal info out there for anyone to hear, financial info, family info. I watch them not watch me and eventually walk away to go answer my questions on my own. I don't want to interrupt, that would be rude. Really? I go into this long drawn out fantasy about         censored        but what good would that do. I'm 6'3" tall, a fit 200lbs. Blond and blue, big nose but i make up for it with a great smile. I'm financially stable, friendly and currently have no STD's. I'm awesome, why don't I fit in.

I watch them, I watch you. I'm so insanely jealous. I watch you not getting angry. I watch you make decisions without pulling out your hair. I watch you flirt and love. I watch you float through life, living the good life, doing it all the easy way, the American way. I watch you, and I hate you.

Hey guys, I'm not really insane. I generally sit down to these assignments after a long day of work, clock ticking its way to 11:59, under time constraints with no prior planning or organization and write about whatever comes to mind that fits in generally with the writing prompt directions. Typically this is very enjoyable to me, I'm a construction worker not a writer and find this class to be....liberating. It is a new and fun way I'm learning to express myself. This, tonite, is probably the worst thing I've ever written in my life. It is about events I witnessed like the prompt wanted but it just didn't come out right or well at all. I have a terrible sinus headache and am not going to be able to start over again cause its already 11pm. I apologize to my peers that they have to review this crap, you guys write very well and I am ashamed of this submission, but for tonite and this assignment my friends I GIVE UP:) :)     

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Peer Reviews 2-15-11

I just noticed our group has 5 members and all others have 4. I was the late add and odd number and have caused more work for all yall. My apologies, please don’t hate on the 5th man, it’s not my fault its Prof Patel’sJ J  I’ll write a petition for extra credit in my next blogJ
Lindsay Fraser
“Diastole” is an excellent descriptive piece. You obviously put much effort into your writing and it shows. I like how you use the command or request of  ”Imagine this” before part of your description. It helped me to not just read through but encouraged me to take a little more time and “Imagine this”. Probably not really supposed to include this in peer review but I have to comment that I like the content of your writing and your blog as well, your connection to and the importance that you place on family is really cool.
My humbly perceived weaknesses:
I don’t want to be a smartbutt but it really is ingrained in my nature. If the place can only be found by someone who has traveled there before, who found it in the first place? I know what you are trying to say but maybe that doesn’t make perfect sense?

Alyssa Brown
Thanks for the invite to your show, that was very considerate.
Prompt 13; Excellent description and effective content. Your use of pictures spaced throughout the writing was very effective in allowing me to focus on the place being described and added depth and meaning.  Very well done.
My humbly perceived weaknesses:
I did not particularly care for the intro where you said you did not really connect with the blog. It set me up for disappointment and affected the way I read the story. It’s the power of suggestion; if you had written something like “this is going to be the greatest story ever” I might have believed it and thought it was a better writing. Just a thought, it’s just my opinion but you might have left that part out.

Miranda Colony
“For admittance to the Highland Celtic Festival, we gladly hand over 24.00 and receive our 2 lovely bracelets that state we can in fact get lost here.”  That is an awesome beginning to a story. It indicates from the first line that this will probably be an enjoyable read. Great descriptions and use of humor, nice job.
My humbly perceived weaknesses:
“This is a dangerous passion he’s learned to trust after some experience, but to a first time outsider, he seems all too brave, almost stupid to go in with so little coverage.” I found this sentence a little confusing and feel it could work a little better with revision. Maybe it makes perfect sense I just don’t understand the process or passion. Not sure if it is you or me but I'm a little confused with this piece, maybe a picture or 2 could add to this description for us of the uninformed.

Jesus Corona
Superfly;  frickin awesome. I shared it with my kid and he got a kick out of it as well. Extremely creative, well-illustrated and enjoyable.  You keep knocking it out of the park my man, it is a pleasure to have you in my group and I am blessed that I am forced to read your writingJ
My humbly perceived weaknesses:
In one day Becky will be moving to Poughkeepsie to attend Vassar College. Maybe its just getting late but I tripped up on that sentence for a minute. I thought she was physically moving all her stuff in one 24 hour period? Possibly using “tomorrow” or different wording might make this a little easier to read for us blue collar folks. Just a thought

Prompt # 14 Cultural Tastes

The six compartment trays are orange, just like the uniforms. Plastic sporks, plastic cups, not a napkin in sight and definitely no knives. There are a total of three different breakfast items, three lunches and four dinners, the menu rotates and gets very repetitive.
1              scrambled egg powder
                Untoasted bread
                Cold cereal
                ½ pint white milk

2              My personal favorite
                Pancakes with syrup
                Untoasted Bread
                ½ pint milk

3              Oatmeal
                Untoasted bread
                ½ pint milk

1              Cold meat sandwich
                Apple or orange
                1 cup juice

2              Grilled cheese
                Mystery Soup
                Apple or orange
                1 cup juice

3              My Personal Favorite
                Pizza Square
                Pasta salad
                Apple or orange
                1 cup juice

1              Hot Dogs
                Fried Potatoes
                1 cup juice

2              Goulash
                Untoasted bread
                1 cup juice

3              Fish square
                Untoasted bread
                Boiled potatoes
                1 cup juice

4              My Personal Favorite
                Toasted bread
                1 cup juice

And around and around the menu rotates. You don’t like the food don’t do the crimes they say. They don’t take complaints very well in prison. I didn’t  mention how wonderful it is on those rare occasions when the ice machine works. Something cold to drink every once in a while is cool but usually the ice machine is broken and like I said the complaint department is less than responsive. They would rather spend their time and energy searching everyone leaving the chow hall to ensure no fruit is being smuggled out to make intoxicating beverages with.
Neither much to eat, nor much variety, but that’s ok we got commissary. Commissary is a once a week store type experience for those who are fortunate enough to have money sent in by their friends or family or in my case behave well enough to get a job on the yard. For a 40 hour work week I brought in a whopping $17, and I was very grateful to have it. See the commissary only sells cigarettes, toiletries and junk food. Here is where the culinary genius comes in. With a little patience, a little purchasing of black market spices (stolen and sold by kitchen workers), and a hotplate it is possible to make some pretty delicious, filling, cheap and extremely unhealthy meals to supplement your chow hall dining experience. Below are a few of my favorite recipes, they are designed to serve two people (I use the term people loosely we are really just numbers here) because just like in the real world food tastes better when you share it with a friend.
Meal # 1
2 packs chicken flavor Ramen Noodles
2 Cups water
1 Package tuna fish
2 ounces crushed potato chips of your preferred flavor, I liked barbeque
A little milk if you can sneak some from chow hall
1 packet squeeze cheese
Hot sauce
Spice to taste
Heat all ingredients and let stand for 10 minutes, stir well and enjoy with the convict of your choosing.
Pairs nicely with a little tap water, served lukewarm of course and follow with candy bar or pastry if you can afford it. Finish with a cigarette or some heroin, whatever works for you.

Recipe #2
2 packets beef flavor Ramen Noodles
1 summer sausage roll chopped into ¼ in pieces (your ID badge works well as a chopper)
1 packet squeeze cheese
2 oz. crushed potato chips or Doritos
2 cups water
Spices to taste
Heat all ingredients and let rest for 10 minutes, stir well and enjoy with convict of your choice.
 Pairs nicely with a little tap water, served lukewarm of course and follow with candy bar or pastry if you can afford it. Finish with a cigarette or some heroin, whatever works for you.

Recipe #3  late in the week and supplies are low
1 packet Ramen noodles
1 cup water
Heat and let rest for 6 minutes, stir well and eat alone
Chase with some lukewarm tap water, have a smoke and count the hours till breakfast.

Stay in school people, get a good job and save your money so you can afford to hire a good lawyer if you ever need one. And most importantly “Just say nope to dope”.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prompt #13 The Football Fields

There is a dirt and gravel parking lot behind a Walgreens in East Mesa. I imagine it stays empty six days a week. If you look at it from either Guadalupe Rd or Higley Rd, and if you have too little to occupy your mind at that particular moment, you might wonder why there is such a big lot behind such a small store and why that canal would possibly need so much available parking. The answer, while not readily apparent, is quite wonderful. Wonderful I say because someone someday took a look at the large hole on the far side of that lot, originally constructed and still utilized during the rainy season as a water retention area, and saw much more than a large hole. Some lovely person must have thought to themselves “what a waste of good, fairly level space”. Someone not nearly as self-centered as me saw an opportunity to do something great. Someone whose name I will probably never know saw a place for 6 junior size football fields.
The fields are not glamorous; there are no lights, no bleachers, no scoreboards, no permanent sanitary facilities or food court. There is not even a sign saying “So and So’s Memorial Football Fields”. What there is is a place for hundreds of kids between the ages of 6 and 12 to spend their 50 minute allocated time slot every Saturday achieving, or at least attempting to achieve, glory. The only real concessions to modern conveniences and civility at that hole in the desert are 4 handicapped parking spaces and a long concrete sidewalk that snakes its way down to the grass and dirt fields. During the monsoon season we typically miss a few games due to standing water and or very muddy conditions but typically the water remains in the low spots around the perimeter of the fields proper. These low lying areas are home to small riparian areas full of mature trees, bushes and reeds. They provide a great place for the siblings of the athletes to play and explore during what to them are surely boring games. The bushes also make a nice place for the players to take a quick pee or change their jerseys without the long climb back up to the porta-potties.
My son, his mother and I have spent most of our Saturday mornings for the past three years on those fields. Unlike regular football the seasons for these young ones continue one after another all year round. As long as we can provide $50 every three months and there are enough willing kids to make up teams the games will go on. We sweat our asses off there under our portable sunshades in the summer and shiver in our fold up chairs in the winter. There is just enough room between the fields to squeeze in 2 rows of chairs, one facing a field in either direction, and for the teams and excited parents to move up and down the sidelines following the action. A volunteer parent dutifully chalks out sidelines and end zones early every Saturday morning and the rest of us pitch in after the last game to clean up all the inevitable debris that accumulates when so many people gather in such a small space that has no room for trashcans. Every few months a photographer shows up with an 8ft step ladder that he climbs and catches “action” shots of the kids then comes back the following week with them on display trying to make a buck.
I hope that pioneer who created this oasis of family fun in the desert knows how many of us sincerely appreciate this place they created. I hope they are aware of the sheer joy my son and so many others feel on these fields. It is great to watch them at this age, mostly unknowing and unaware of the score, just having fun, living in the moment and playing their asses off. I hope that someday I’ll find out who is mostly responsible for creating this place, meet them and give them a hug and a thank you. Mostly I hope the housing market doesn’t rebound, making this spot profitable for development and filling it with tan stucco houses with orange tile roofs. If it does I hope I’ll meet the person mostly responsible for that to.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Peer Reviews 2-8-11

Alyssa Brown
Oh wow. I read the intro where you stated that you were writing from you and your sisters’ perspective but the first time through I didn’t get it. This time I did. Very cool now that I understand, the same day seen through two completely different perspectives. It was also thought provoking because it led me to pondering my own reactions to that day, and got me out of my own little world and mind for a while and into yours.

My humbly perceived weaknesses:
Your sentence structure, in my humble opinion, and transitions could be a little easier to read or flow a little better with some slight revision. They just seem a little choppy to me, like some of the sentences could be joined together instead of separated to read a little easier.

Jesus Corona
Great story about you and your mom’s car ride, I really enjoyed the content and the style. I particularly liked your use of different letter styles in #9 the use of bold and italics to separate the methods of communication was very clear and effective.

My humbly perceived weaknesses:
I can’t find a thing to pick on my man. Well done, in going to keep reading the textbook and maybe I’ll find something to bitch about next week :)

Lindsay Fraser
I think you did an excellent job last week. Your use of the particular songs corresponding to the incidents in "A Night to Remember" was very effective and entertaining. They helped convey a sense of mood and provided additional description to the story. "Keep Your Eyes on the Road" was a very moving piece and I’m sure a difficult piece to tackle. Thanks for the intro it worked well to begin the story and provide details that might have not worked as well if introduced in the story.

My humbly perceived weaknesses"
In #9 the intro paragraph, "A recent accident involving a close friend of the family just happened” sounds a bit redundant, I feel could possibly be revised to sound a little better.

Miranda Colony
"Monsanto vs. Choice" was very well written and definitely conveyed a lot of information in an organized and convincing manner. The use of your own personal experience in the intro paragraph was a great segway into the news story and eased the reader in to what is a very serious piece. "I don’t Care" was also very good. I know that song well and it seems very appropriate and descriptive of the situation. I liked the style of the piece as well, it was descriptive and easy to read and understand

My humbly perceived weaknesses:
" How is it not scary that such a necessity to daily living is such an ill educated subject, that we do not know as a general public there are only a few major companies that produce our foods, unless we shop at the source of local farms and farmers markets." This line from "Monsanto" was a little difficult to read. I feel that with a little revision it could be made to transition easier.

Writers prompt 11, A trip not yet taken

The heat. The agony. The hopelessness. No sensation of passing time. All is black, all is pain, all is suffering. I can’t see anything real, I seem not to have eyes but there is a constant stream of consciousness, a constantly changing picture of all that is evil, all that is wrong,  all images from my life.  There is a disconnected voice constantly drumming in my ears, though I no longer really have ears do I, nor a head to hang them on,  a haunting off tune voice, hysterically screaming but plodding, impossible to ignore, impossible not to hear, vibrating through my soul.  It seems to be reading a list of all my sins, all my regrets, all opportunities to change, all those opportunities missed or ignored. I’m not sure if it is a never-ending list or if it has just been repeating itself over, and over, and over, and over. A constant subconscious prodding of my senses, a constant soundtrack to supplement the pictures, those horrible remembered images reminding me where I came from and why I’m here.
How long have I been in this pit? How did I get here, is this dream or reality? It mustn’t be a dream, it has been going on forever it seems, no starting point and seemingly no ending. How can this be endured when surely it would propel any mortal being straight past reason and consciousness into insanity. Could any mortal mind endure this without shutting down into sweet oblivion to protect itself? That in itself answers itself. I am no longer a mortal mind. I am but a soul, a tortured soul. No means to transport myself forward or back, no means of control, no longer the sweet freedom of free will. Nothing but cold and burning, blackness and blinding painful light, all-consuming agony, fear, despair and complete hopelessness. Never again sleep, never again love, never again laughter or joy. The negative things I chose on earth, the dark and evil acts and feelings that I wallowed in are now mine to relive forever. Never again a chance at redemption. Never believed in hell, I do now.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Prompt #8 Slipknot, The Bleeding

"I remember when all the games began, remember every little lie and every last goodbye"
We had been together for several very intense months, but the thrill was fading.

"Promises you broke, words you choked on and I never walked away, still a mystery to me" 
Its a lot more difficult to break up with someone when you live with them, love them, and think they may be "the one". If only you do this or say that everything will be wonderful again. She is so beautiful, I love her.

"Well I'm so empty, I'm better off without you you're better off without me"
Why do I feel so alone, even when were together these days? What can I say, what can I do to fix this. We will change, we will make this work.

"Well your so ugly, I'm better off without you and you're better off alone"
Where did the mutual respect go, the sweet little kisses, playing with my hair and stroking my neck when I drove. When did my partner, my best friend become my enemy? Whats with all the fighting, and worse still the silence?

"The lying, the bleeding, the screaming, was tearing me apart. The hatred, decieving, disaster, its over now"
That's it I'm out. Keep the fuckin microwave and the DVD's. Who will pay your way now, support your habits. Take the bus you bitch. She's beautiful when she crys.

"Paint the mirror black to forget you, but I  still picture your face and the way you used to taste"
Still think of her constantly, what is she doing, who is she doing, is she ok, maybe I was wrong?

"Roses in the glass dead and wilted, to you this all means nothing, everything to you is nothing"
How could she replace me so quickly, how did things go so bad so fast. Did she ever really care or was she just using me? Does she care about anything, can she care about anything except her fix?

"Well you're so filthy, I'm better off without your, you're better off without me. Well I'm so ugly, I'm better off without you and you're better off alone"
Hate her and that fucked up house, miss her. Ill kill him, I love her

The lying, the bleeding, the screaming was tearing me apart. The hatred, deceiving, disaster its over now"
Why did I go back, I knew better, hate her, hate her. I hope shes OK, does she need me, miss her.

"Well as wicked as you are, you're beautiful to me"
I love you, I love you to baby. I'm sorry we will make it work this time, everything will be different this time, I know baby, I know, I love you....

"You're the darkest burning star, you're my perfect disease"
"The lying, the screaming, the bleeding is tearing me apart, the hatred, deceiving, disaster its over"
This time, for sure this time, Ilove you, I love you to baby

"The lying, the bleeding , the screaming was tearing me apart. The hatred, deceiving disaster its over now"
"Its over, its over now"
Will I ever love again, will another ever love me again, I miss her.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Peer Reviews 2-1-11

Hey Professor Patel and Peers. I mistakenly reviewed last weeks postings a week early so today I am going back to review week 1 writings that I should have done last week. This should cover both just in the wrong order, hope that makes sense to you all.

Alyssa Brown
I think your description of the studio was very well written. The descriptions of the heat and especially the smells really transported me to the place and time. Your description and interest of the tiny girl was beautiful. Beautiful not only for the portrayal of her but for the glimpse of you and your character. In your MaryLane piece I feel(with my very limited knowledge) the last paragraph could flow a little more smoothly with a  little revision. Could possibly be made into two paragraphs each with a different subject, 1 her personality and 2 her sugar addiction. Very nice description overall though, it provided a lot of insight into a short piece.

Jesus Corona
Loved prompt 3 and your style in general. Everything is bopping along and the you throw in that hit of sadness or maby just realism. The suddenness and contrast makes the short statements about sadness, loneliness, and insecurity seem very large. I hope these feelings slide away in real life as quickly as they seem to in the story. I mungry, that's a truly funny and realistic exchange. "Nicole" is awesome, it makes me want to meet her and hang out with you both. You packed a lot of description into a small space, very effective. Whoa wait there was a part 2, what happened to all the cuteness, now were talking road rage and flaring nostrils. You are very good at manipulating, or evoking emotions. Your introduction is a little more staccato, and choppy. I want to complain about the transitions but I feel they are clipped intentionally kind of like Nicole part 2 so it would just be a personal preference thing not anything that needs revision, I'm pretty sure Prof Patel wouldn't approve of me asking you to make them all easier to read, make them all sweet and easy like Nicole 1. Great work man, your writing is very interesting and you obviously put good effort into it.

Lindsey Fraser
I enjoyed your intro and the obvious time and effort you put into it. The pictures definitely aid in the descriptions and the simple thoroughness of your post itself tells much about you and your attention to detail. I bet you have a very clean home and car and your dogs are well behaved, that's just the impression I get.My only observations, and I so hate to criticize but I feel that I have to pick on something to fulfill the assignment, is in the final paragraph. The sentence about applying to ASU and moving and the following sentence about Gem do not flow well. I feel with a little revision thew could read easier and better convey your point. I think it is an excellent job overall and appreciate the extent of the work involved in your post and entire blog.

Miranda Colony
"Kaileen Renee" was awesome. The description was extremely well written, informative and I feel you chose a great subject to write passionately about. I cant possibly critique "From the Beginning", I read it three times and am way to impressed by the beauty of your personality to possibly detect any grammatical or structural flaws. I hope that comment is not inappropriate, I don't mean to offend or overstep the bounds of Peer Review I was just touched by the content of your writing and want to compliment you on it. "But life is so beautiful that the nerves were continually excited regardless" , "joy rebounded" by a sidewalk crack or an ant, that is way cool.

Prompt #9 My man Charlie Sheen

He was born in 1965, the youngest son and third of four children to actor Martin Sheen and artist Janet Templeton. He began stage acting at the age of eight years and his film career began in 1984. His birth certificate reads Carlos Irwin Estevez but we all know him as Charlie Sheen. I still remember him in some of my favorite teenage movies, classics( I use the term classics loosely) such as Red Dawn, Platoon, Wall Street, Young Guns, The Rookie, Major League and Beyond the Law. In the film Working Men, he and his real life brother and co-star Emilo Estevez used a BB gun to shoot people out of their upper story apartment window. This scene inspired me to do the same out my bedroom window to the construction workers who constantly woke me early in the morning while they were building a new street full of houses directly behind my parents place. Does anyone else remember the crazy zig-zag haircut  he sported when he boldly strode on to the field to speakers blasting the song Wild Thing in the comedy Major League. I can not remember a role he has played that has not portrayed him as a wild, smartass, hard drinking and or hard drugging guy with a voracious sexual appetite. His current role as Uncle Charlie in the sitcom Two and a Half Men is based on and would not be as effective without his lifelong cultivation of a bad boy image.
The   man currently earns $1.8 million dollars for each half hour episode of Two and a Half Men making him the highest paid TV actor of all time. Why does he make so much money? Quite possibly because of his hard work in creating this bad boy image. My man Chuck ( He told me I could call him Chuck during one Hunter Thompson type weekend we spent on the beach in Belize) is such a professional, so dedicated to his work, his career, his ART that he has spent 45 years, his entire lifetime in role research. He told me that with the high number of perverts, alcohol abusers, and recreational drug users in this country today he feels that if he does not fully get into his character, do the research and actually live his character, that there is no way he could possibly pull off a believable portrayal of the image the producers and directors demand of him. The man gives it all, every 3-10 days when he lays down to sleep he knows that  he has left everything out there, he has pushed it to the limit and beyond for us, his loyal and delighted fans. The man has had at least two long term relationships with female porn stars. Not just porn actresses but full blown career type Porn Stars. Easy, I think not. Again he did this not for his own personal pleasure but as part of his never ending quest to more accurately portray his bad boy image, he did this, again, for us the fans.
All of this professionalism, all of this dedication has not come without its price though. While millions clamor for Chucks particular brand of art, there are a few out there who do not see all the hard work he has put in, a few who do not see the big picture, a few who cannot see through the little episodes that naturally come along with this kind or workaholicism. A few who wish not to give the man accolades but would rather give the man time behind bars. My friend has been forced into multiple detox and drug rehabilitation programs. He has been jailed for crimes such as felony menacing, assault, criminal mischief , domestic violence and DUI. All of these crimes Chuck has also committed on various episodes of Two and a Half Men, the prime time sitcom that he is paid the $1.8 mil for, the show that delights millions and sells billions of dollars worth of advertising space every year. These same behaviors on film have earned the man three Emmy Award nominations, and two Golden Globe Award nominations.
These hijinks's have made Charlie Sheen a household name, almost as well recognized around the world as Coca-cola. The women love him, the men want to be him and the judges, well they just want to judge him.
I propose amnesty for my pal Carlos Irwin Estevez. I propose not just amnesty but possibly a declaration of a national, no worldwide holiday celebrating the hard work, the selfless dedication of this truly unique and gifted artist. I propose that we set up a mandatory course in all english speaking high schools that are based around my friends life, a course that will teach the lazy, undisciplined kids of today what it takes to succeed in the highly competitive world that we have created. I propose...what,whats that Chuck. Sorry Chuck needs someone to roll him a joint, his hands are to shaky, I got to go.