First Person POV
I had just met Stacie the week before and we hit it off like mad. There were sparks flying everywhere and we had a hard time keeping our hands off of each other even though we were on the light rail heading back from downtown. We had been playing a little game for the past few hours, discreet little touches and kisses, nothing inappropriate for the public setting but very meaningful to us and preludes to the evening we had planned. We were sitting in the first 2 seats right next to the door and got the full brunt of abuse from the extremely intoxicated woman who boarded at this particular stop.
“You guys are getting ready to go fuck” she slurred at us before planting herself in the seat next to me. I was mortified. Her boozy, dead cat smelling breath wafted over us as she continued her prediction of the things my date and I had planned for the evening. “He’s just gonna fuckin use you bitch” the smell was starting to overpower everything, unwashed flesh, rotting teeth, greasy hair and a weeks’ worth of cheap booze and wet cigarette buts. “He’s gonna knock you up and then leave you to raise them little bastards on your own, aint gonna pay nuthin, mutherfucker prolly didn’t even buy you a proper meal, prolly got them warts or some that clap, mutherfucker, cheap dirty bastard” . She’s vacillating between a slurred mumble and a low screech right into our faces. There was no reason for this attack and I didn’t know how to stop it.
Come on let’s move I tell Stacie. “Yea run ya fucker, you dickless bastards always do, mutherfucker” she snarls. I can feel my anger rising, my face is burning and I am overwhelmed by confusion of how to handle this horrible situation that we are now in. Stacie is clinging to my arm for dear life and begging me to go, let’s just go. So we did. We got up and went to the next car to continue our trip. There were no more soft kisses on my neck for the rest of the night.
Third Person POV
I’m on the light rail heading home from the Suns game. Me and my buddy Mike are about half drunk enjoying scoping out all the fine ladies on the train. There is this one in particular I am grooving on but she has herself firmly attached to this big blond dude and it looks like it would take a lot of working to get her to come over here and give me some of those little kisses she keeps given him. Anyway I’m still checkin out her fine legs when this bag lady stumbles on and starts talking to her and that dude.
I can’t hear what the bag lady’s saying but she is getting quite a reaction out of the couple. Their eyes are as big around as saucers and they look like they are entering fight or flight mode. I elbow Mike and tell him to watch this, something is about to happen. The blonde dude has his fists clenched, his face has turned so red it’s comical. It looks like the bag lady is just wearing them out; I can hear her screeching but I can’t tell what she’s saying. She only has one shoe on and on her other foot is a red sock that about matches the red in the blonde dudes face Ha Ha.
Aw, shit they moved on and left the bag lady sitting there talking to herself. I was hoping there was going to be a fight or something I could film for u-tube. Hey look at the rack on that chick.
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