Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prompt # 14 Cultural Tastes

The six compartment trays are orange, just like the uniforms. Plastic sporks, plastic cups, not a napkin in sight and definitely no knives. There are a total of three different breakfast items, three lunches and four dinners, the menu rotates and gets very repetitive.
1              scrambled egg powder
                Untoasted bread
                Cold cereal
                ½ pint white milk

2              My personal favorite
                Pancakes with syrup
                Untoasted Bread
                ½ pint milk

3              Oatmeal
                Untoasted bread
                ½ pint milk

1              Cold meat sandwich
                Apple or orange
                1 cup juice

2              Grilled cheese
                Mystery Soup
                Apple or orange
                1 cup juice

3              My Personal Favorite
                Pizza Square
                Pasta salad
                Apple or orange
                1 cup juice

1              Hot Dogs
                Fried Potatoes
                1 cup juice

2              Goulash
                Untoasted bread
                1 cup juice

3              Fish square
                Untoasted bread
                Boiled potatoes
                1 cup juice

4              My Personal Favorite
                Toasted bread
                1 cup juice

And around and around the menu rotates. You don’t like the food don’t do the crimes they say. They don’t take complaints very well in prison. I didn’t  mention how wonderful it is on those rare occasions when the ice machine works. Something cold to drink every once in a while is cool but usually the ice machine is broken and like I said the complaint department is less than responsive. They would rather spend their time and energy searching everyone leaving the chow hall to ensure no fruit is being smuggled out to make intoxicating beverages with.
Neither much to eat, nor much variety, but that’s ok we got commissary. Commissary is a once a week store type experience for those who are fortunate enough to have money sent in by their friends or family or in my case behave well enough to get a job on the yard. For a 40 hour work week I brought in a whopping $17, and I was very grateful to have it. See the commissary only sells cigarettes, toiletries and junk food. Here is where the culinary genius comes in. With a little patience, a little purchasing of black market spices (stolen and sold by kitchen workers), and a hotplate it is possible to make some pretty delicious, filling, cheap and extremely unhealthy meals to supplement your chow hall dining experience. Below are a few of my favorite recipes, they are designed to serve two people (I use the term people loosely we are really just numbers here) because just like in the real world food tastes better when you share it with a friend.
Meal # 1
2 packs chicken flavor Ramen Noodles
2 Cups water
1 Package tuna fish
2 ounces crushed potato chips of your preferred flavor, I liked barbeque
A little milk if you can sneak some from chow hall
1 packet squeeze cheese
Hot sauce
Spice to taste
Heat all ingredients and let stand for 10 minutes, stir well and enjoy with the convict of your choosing.
Pairs nicely with a little tap water, served lukewarm of course and follow with candy bar or pastry if you can afford it. Finish with a cigarette or some heroin, whatever works for you.

Recipe #2
2 packets beef flavor Ramen Noodles
1 summer sausage roll chopped into ¼ in pieces (your ID badge works well as a chopper)
1 packet squeeze cheese
2 oz. crushed potato chips or Doritos
2 cups water
Spices to taste
Heat all ingredients and let rest for 10 minutes, stir well and enjoy with convict of your choice.
 Pairs nicely with a little tap water, served lukewarm of course and follow with candy bar or pastry if you can afford it. Finish with a cigarette or some heroin, whatever works for you.

Recipe #3  late in the week and supplies are low
1 packet Ramen noodles
1 cup water
Heat and let rest for 6 minutes, stir well and eat alone
Chase with some lukewarm tap water, have a smoke and count the hours till breakfast.

Stay in school people, get a good job and save your money so you can afford to hire a good lawyer if you ever need one. And most importantly “Just say nope to dope”.

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