Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peer Review 4-19-11

“Instant Classic” was a very entertaining and well written piece. You could have added more to it but that would be unnecessary it is very effective just the way it’s written. This is not a story that requires a lot of details because the subject is very simple and you did a good job of getting to the point, the humorous point, that you quit in an interesting and original manner. The title worked well to tie the piece together. Great job.  Your writing on graphic novels was very good also. You presented your opinions and facts in a very organized and easy to read and follow manner and were quite thorough in your analysis. I wouldn’t change a thing except your opinion, because I don’t like graphic memoirs which means that you shouldn’t care for them AT ALL because you should be agreeing with me cause it’s all about me. Right? Great job this weekJ

Your writing in the “graphic Novels and Memoirs” was amazing. You presented your views in a very effective manner and perfectly achieved the requirements of the prompt. “Orange Baseball” is a great title for that story. You conveyed not only the story but some of the feelings and emotions tied into the event. Your use of pictures tied the whole thing together and did a great job of supplying detail and helped the reader to understand and picture the events happening. Great writing this week as usual.

OK so I read your graphic novels piece and I’m not offended on a personal level, even though I’ve never been called “highbrow” before. I’m just using this space to comment on the writing from a professional peer perspective, a perspective that only disagrees with your perspective because you are wrong. That being said your writing skills and illustrations were very effective in conveying your opinion and argument which again just to remind you are totally wrong. The use of the dictionary description was useful and was a good idea and it would have been very effective in supporting your writing and opinion if your opinion had not been totally wrong. Now please do not be offended at the fact I’m starting an argument with you in a format where you cannot respond, I only do this because it makes it easier to win this particular argument. It would be more difficult to tell you you are all wrong about the graphic novel if you were able to rapidly disagree with me so believe me that I do get great personal satisfaction in telling you, in this format, that you are just completely wrong. Your writing, brilliant, your opinion and conclusion, just wrong. (Please do not be offended, I’m really just messing with you, thanks for the opportunity to make myself laugh)  “Boring Job” was a very powerful writing. I loved your descriptions of the people involved; you are very talented at these descriptions. The story sucked me in and then surprised me at the end; this is exactly what most people want in a story. Great job on this one, especially the descriptions this week, I feel like I know these people from your writing, that’s awesome.

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